12x24 inch oil on canvas
I normally photograph my paintings outside but we have had rain all day so I couldn't. I was anxious to get it posted on the blog so I went ahead and took this photo - it has a spot of glare that I couldn't avoid but I wanted you all to see it anyway . As soon as I get a chance I'll re-shoot it and post a better pic -
I especially love the clouds and the deep blue of the sky. It's a wonderful work, congratulations!
Hi Cara, So glad you're back at the easel. This paintng is amazing. Those CLOUDS are so beautiful. The viewer could get lost in them! You're a talented painter, Cara. Please keep sharing with us!
Looks like a painting to me...looks good!
Paulo - Thanks for visiting my site and for your comment.
Janelle - It felt so good to be painting, I wish I had more time and energy to do even more. I really like doing clouds, I could easily paint nothing but clouds...
Ron - it does look a little like a painting doesn't it? If not this would be a good place to put one...
I love those clouds. They reiterate the shape of the white walls, so the composition keeps moving upward into that dreamy sky. Excellent.
My word verification is 'besso,' so kisses to you!
Dar - Thank you! I'd like to say that I am very clever when it comes to composition but the truth is - it just looks right so I went with it -
LOVE THIS! And! I really love your title :} The coloring, handling of the pallet and mood in this is right on the money.. Good job on the clouds little Lady..
Gerald - Thank you so much - I appreciate all your comments.
glad you saw sense in the end cara.
this painting looks like hope
painting is good for you,it is good for the soul...
As the picture was downloading and all I could see was the top of the clouds, I was telling myself, "this has got to be a photograph" I was amazed to see they weren't. I'll have to agree with the other comments.
Rob - you are so right...painting is good for the soul - thanks for visiting.
Harold - Thank you for stopping by and for your comment - I'm very flattered.
Thanks Darren!
Excellent work, and good to hear your health is back on track!
Thank you Doug -
Cara, I love your painting, especially the beautiful coloring in the clouds! Also the blue of the sky and the orangey browns of the building compliment each other nicely. What a lovely piece!!
Ta da is right - beautiful clouds!
Good to have you back in action.
Say if you are riding motorcycles you will be needing a tattoo. I was thinking a little heart with I LOVE BJ. Just a little one doesn't have to go all the way across your back.
Debbie - Thanks for visiting. I stopped my your site and loved your work.
Bill - thanks for the comment and about the tattoo....
Ok, start another!
Love, love, love the sky and the colors in the clouds, wonderful:)
Start another painting or tattoo?
Lilli - thank you
This is gorgeous, those clouds!!!
Thank you Sandy!
Great to see the Art along with the story.
Don't lose heart. All artists have moments of doubt and that is normal and taking " breaks" is often times a good thing.
Just stopped by to say hi. Hope your day is going well.
What? No lectures or barking? Bill, what am I to think?
For Christ's sake, paint SOMETHING! I'm getting bored. Entertain me with a little piece. Paint an olive or single grape or Mason DOT (singular).
Bill - what would I do without you?
It's cool!
I read through your earlier posts - abt "reentering your grief again.." ok, that i can relate.. these grief thing kinda hunts you down.
Silver -thanks for visiting and for your comment. You're right, it find you at the most unexpected moments.
Ok,Ok, just post a picture of you having an cold beer at the biker bar.
I like it alot. Great structure and, can I say, Heavenly clouds?
Thanks Mary!
I don't like using 'gushy' words, but these clouds and the way you present them: Gorgeous!
And the glare--I had to enlarge the pic to even notice it.
Very good work.
Mr. Decker - thank you so much for taking the time to visit and comment. I appreciate the encouragment.
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