I had lots of company over the holidays and my nephew was camped out in my studio. In order to accommodate everyone I pushed all of my studio furniture to one side and we put a bed into the room for Ted. Yes, he's been gone for a while but I have been so busy and so tired that I haven't been able to rearrange my studio. I hope to get it done this weekend so I can start painting again.
Don't give up on me!
Hi Cara, Sometimes life just gets in the way of painting, doesn't it? This past week a close friend died, so right now it's hard being inspired to paint. Next week it's going to Florida with my husband for business. I'm hoping you enjoy your studio time when it happens, and it will.
Janelle - Thanks for your visit. So sorry to hear of your loss...it really does impact our inspiration ... here's to hoping we both get back in the grove soon.
Cool painting and I would never give up on you!
Thank you so much Sandy - you'll never know what all your encouragment means to me.
Kepp on keepin' on girlfriend. I won't give up on you.
Thought of you recently when I saw two couples riding dressed out Harleys, complete with leather duds.
XO Mary
This is a nice piece. It looks like it should be an illustration for a children's book.
Bill - thank you for your comment. This was one of several in a series I called "Esteban". I poted them when I first established this blog but I may post them again so you can see them. I really loved these and often think about taking them up again.
This looks like something that would be part of a great children's story.
Doug - thanks for visiting...I hadn't thought about a story about Estaban before but since you and Bill both mentioned it maybe I should..
Hi Cara,
I'm out blog visiting and happened upon yours! I'm a painter too! I agree there's never enough time to paint. Unfortunately I can't quit my daytime job. Love your paintings and your other posts made me lol!
so sweet this painting
take your time cara ,it will come...
That's a cool painting, I can see why Andrew liked it so much. I wish you still had your Andrew to hug, I'll give mine an extra hug for you and Paco when I see him. The kids find out if this baby is okay tomorrow, say a little prayer for us, I don't know how we'll handle it if it's not.
Cara - paint something. And you can't post a necklace, I want a painting.
Neetzy - thanks for stopping by and for your comment.
Rob Thank you so much for your encouragement -
Lilli - my thoughts and prayers are with you today -
Bill - you're a bully! (Ha ha - do me a favor and keep it up )
It's a little girl Cara and she's healthy (as far as they can tell) so our prayers were answered:)
Thank you Jesus -
Lilli, I'm so happy for all of you!
Ok, Cara - try this. Draw an X on a piece of paper and post that. You can write about the struggle of getting those two lines just right.
Sometimes, it's good for the soul to savor our memories!!
I hope you get back to your painting soon..... When we paint we are also soothing our sould
Happy painting.
Thank you Marian -
Cara - I'm waiting for the X. Ok, try just the \ part.
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