Today I was in my studio looking for a reference for clouds (yes guys, I'm painting today - yea!) and I ran across this old picture that I took in the early 1980's. It was in the New Mexico State Fair Amature Photography exhibit too.
I thought I'd post it - this sunset was shot through an adobe wall of a long ago abandoned building in El Cerro , New Mexico.
This is breathtaking, "gulp"...wow...
Thank you Sandy - that makes me feel really good coming from you.
Great Photo Carla...Thanks for stopping by my blog. You caught it even before I finished editing it.
Check it out...thanks so much. Nice to see you again. Glad your painting finally!!!!!!
Thanks Madison - as I have already said - I love tonight's post on your blog.
look forward to see your new work Cara
Thanks Rob - I loved your painting of the chickens -
Can't wait to see this one. So happy you are painting. That's wonderful.
Thanks Michelle - I'm glad I'm back at it too!
The photo is stunning..particularly the way the light just tickles the edge of those clouds...by-the-way, your previous painting, "Puerta de Luna" is in my opinion a break through piece, I would love to see more of this, it's spectacular. it has that perfect balance of looseness but representational that I think alot of us strive for, very well done.
Thank you Todd - I appreciate your visit and your comment. I am trying to force myself to paint thicker and looser - its a struggle for me. Old habits are so hard to break. Thanks again - Cara
love this photo, and love your writing.... I did stop by your other site and was moved by it, I thank you for sharing.
Thank you Gerald, I appreciate your visit and your comment.
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