Thursday, February 21, 2008

Abandon Sunset

Today I was in my studio looking for a reference for clouds (yes guys, I'm painting today - yea!) and I ran across this old picture that I took in the early 1980's. It was in the New Mexico State Fair Amature Photography exhibit too.

I thought I'd post it - this sunset was shot through an adobe wall of a long ago abandoned building in El Cerro , New Mexico.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Puerto de Luna (8x10 inches)


This is my very first painting on a panel as opposed to canvas. The surface was challenging to me ay first but after it was all said and done I think I like it.

This is a scene from Puerto de Luna of the south side of the church - I love all of the old abandoned buildings in this area.

This painting is currently being offered for auction on eBay and I would gladly put up a link if I only knew how...

2/24/08 Update: My dear friend Lilli from BookBabie has taught me how to make the eBay link - it was so easy once she told me how. A million Thank You's Lilli!

Click to Bid

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Stolen Painting!

Thought you might enjoy seeing an old painting I did from an old photo from my home town of Santa Rosa, New Mexico. When I finished the painting an aquaintance asked if he could hang it in his business and I agreed. Next thing I knew the business was closed and he and my painting were no where to be found. Oh well, live and learn I guess.