This is the very first colored pencil drawing from my sister, LaVonne. Isn't it great?
She did this as a birthday present for her husband Dave. I think she has so much talent and I have encouraged her to keep it up. This is new to her so please feel free to leave words of encouragment in the comments sections.
Wow, this is very good. It must have been difficult to get all that detail out into the wings. The leaves too, for that matter. I'm no professional, but at this point I'm getting very good at finding what's wrong with my artwork before my professors tell me, and I just see a well-colored picture here.
By all means, keep it up!
This is a very nice job indeed. First effort? Bravo!
And thanks to you Cara, for your many kind comments in my blog. They are always greatly appreciated.
She's very good, help set her own blog Cara and get her doing IF!
Brother Grimm - Thank you so much for the comment.. I just called her and left a message - she doesn't know I've posted this. She will be so surprised (good surprise I promise).
Terry -thanks for the encouragment on her behalf. I can't wait for her to read this.
As for my comments on your blog - your work is so unusual and so funny, right up my alley. Thank you Terry -
Thanks Lilli - I appreciate yor comment. My sister is also a writer and a good one. I was amazed that this was her first attempt at colored pencils.
Tell her to continue, it's lovely.
Thank you Naquaiya - that means a lot to me coming from you.
This is nice pencil work.. You kept the colors brilliant and the subject matter is quite interesting. The butterfly rendering indicates soft texture.. muy bien!
Bill, on behalf of my sister - I thank you. I think she has been won over and is going to set up her own blog - I'll keep everyone posted.
Talented family. Good writers too....
Thanks Ron - I appreciate your feedback.
Thanks for your comments on my boat painting. Glad you got it right about the clouds/snow, I was beginning to get anxieties...(laughing). It was lots of fun to paint. hey, tell her to keep at it with the colored pencils, I think she has the hang of it already.
Glad to hear she will continue. good for her
Hi Cara,
Thank you for visiting my blog and your compliment. It's what keeps us going and creating. Keep up with your great work!
Todd - Thank you so much for your comments. I am really encouraging my sister to do more with her art - I think she has so much talent.
Thanks Varvara - I appreciate your visit and I love your work. I'll be visiting often.
Hi Cara, besides your paintings I love the colored pencil... I work with CP's also although not too often lately.
I really enjoy your art. Your very good.
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