So there are three the rules as I understand them.
#1 - You list a link to the artist who tagged you and that artist in turn sends you a thousand bucks and a few left over tootsie rolls. (Ha ha! Just kidding with you Bill)
But seriously, please do visit Bill at where you will enjoy not only his art but also Lisa's. Both are phenomenal artists. In addition they will keep you laughing as they both have the funniest blog I've read in a while.
Rule #2 - Tell seven things about yourself that no one knows.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? If you've been a reader of my blogs for any length of time you already know all about me. are a few extras in the spirit of the game. In no particular order...
1.) I have an obsession with boxes. I can't throw away a good sturdy well shaped box. I have actually thrown away a box only to go dig it out of the dumpster a little later. I can't help it, I always think I might need it someday...
2.) I was married for twenty five years to my first husband who was a cop, a sniper on the SWAT Team at one time..... Then I met Dana...he's a biker....go figure.
3.) I would give anything to spend all my time writing and painting but unfortunately I have a real job in order to pay the bills. My full time job is as a student advisor for Columbia's YouthBuild Program. A national program for "at risk" youth between the ages of 16 and 24. I truly love it and work for the best company (JobPoint) I have ever worked for in my life. I have a second part time job as a commercial custodian. (Now you know why I don't have a lot of time to paint)
4.) I grew up in a haunted house.
5.) I finished writing my first novel about three years ago but have yet to edit it. I have a full outline and several chapters of a second one stuffed in a drawer somewhere.
6.) I skipped third grade and consequently graduated in 1974 at 16 years old. As my year book proves I had a pretty good time in high school.

Finally, Rule #3 - Tag seven other artist you admire. ( I admire so many that I had a hard time choosing so I just picked seven at random - all of them are wonderful artist as are the other s listed on my blogs)
Ron Morrison
Dee Sanchez
Todd Bonita
Rob Ijbema
Dusty Duck Tales
Christopher Greco
Grave Reflection
Thanks for visiting and I hope I entertained you for a little while.