I'll be away from my computer for a couple of days. Each year Dana and I put on a bike show with the proceeds going to charity. This year its for The Brick Scholarship Fund. We are very excited and proud to do this for our community. But the real bonus is that its a good excuse for all of us to get together. We will have several clubs represented as well as all of our friends both from
Moberly and all around. We always have a great time. This is just a small sampling of our group. The photo was taken a few years ago, you'll notice my son Andrew on the end of the row, right side. His girlfriend Jamie is standing to my right (your left). Everyone else are the
very best friends a person could have. I love them all.
So I'll be too busy to check back but guess what? When I return on Monday, June the 11
th, it will be my birthday! YEA!!! And a big one too. Somewhere between 49 and 51..can you guess! With one major exception the
first half of the century has been great, can't wait to see what the next half holds.